Tell NC House Speaker Tim Moore: "You do not speak for me!"

Tim Moore, the Republican Speaker of the NC House of Representatives, has invited President Donald Trump to the NC House Chamber to deliver his State of the Union Address which is usually held annually in Congress in Washington, DC. 
According to ABC news, President Donald Trump is preparing two different State of the Union speeches -- one he could deliver on Capitol Hill and another that he could take on the road. Raleigh is still one possible location.
Because the federal government is in the midst of the longest government shutdown in the nation's history, Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the US House  has told Trump to delay his State of the Union Address, which makes perfect sense:  Consider:
•  The federal government shutdown is the longest in US history, and it's President Trump's fault.  It's the #TrumpShutDown.
•  Trump was actually filmed by TV cameras saying before the shutdown started:  "I am proud to shut down the government" and "I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down."  Clearly, it's a #TrumpShutDown.
•  The State of the Union Address is supposed to be a report on the current condition of the government.  The condition is clear. It is shut down. 
•  Trump has a ridiculous history of saying things which simply are not true.  The Washington Post Fact Checker said back in September, "President Trump has made more than 5,000 false or misleading claims." Why would North Carolinians want to offer Trump to spew even more lies?
•  This federal government shutdown is bringing real pain to the families of more than 800,000 employees who are not getting paychecks. Many continue to work. There is a real human cost to the #TrumpShutDown, and Trump should not be allowed to spin the truth in the NC General Assembly.
•  The #TrumpShutdown is caused by Trump's insistence on $5.B for a wall on the US southern border which independent homeland security experts say is a waste of money and ineffective to secure the border.
•  Trump's so-called "border crisis" is self-inflicted and inhumane. The crisis is not over illegal entries into the US. The crisis is over Trump's refusal to deliver the resources needed to process migrant families seeking asylum. The crisis is Trump's policy to separate children from their parents at the border.
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Speaker Tim Moore:

When you invite Donald Trump to the North Carolina General Assembly to deliver his State of the Union Address, YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR ME. Your invitation to Donald Trump to speak in the People's House is NOT on behalf of the people of North Carolina.

The State of the Union is clear. The Union is SHUT DOWN. Remember it was President Trump who said, "I am proud to shut down the government" and "I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down".
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