I Stand with North Carolina’s Educators

North Carolina's economy is growing. But our state lawmakers have our public schools trapped in a permanent recession. Lawmakers continue to shower tax cuts on corporations while shortchanging funding for public schools. North Carolina teachers are paid $9,600 a year LESS than the national average and other school personnel are just as bad off.  Funding for textbooks and classroom supplies has been cut in half since 2010 when adjusted for inflation.

On May 16th thousands of educators are taking a personal day to meet lawmakers in Raleigh as their 2018 session begins.

This problem has a simple fix:

• Raise teacher pay to the national average within 4-years and pay all other school personnel like the professionals they are.

• Restore funding for textbooks and classroom supplies to pre-recession levels.

• Make corporations pay their fair share by freezing and rolling back reckless tax cuts for corporations that are bleeding our students of the education they deserve.

Sign the petition to stand with the educators of North Carolina and demand our lawmakers treat our educators, students, and public schools with RESPECT. Restore funding that our public schools need and deserve.

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Sign the petition to lawmakers:

I support North Carolina public school educators and demand that state lawmakers start treating our public schools with RESPECT! Make our public schools a priority in North Carolina again.
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