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Endorse our education priorities and tell politicians to put them in the budget:

Right now NC is 46th nationally in per-pupil spending, and even South Carolina spends $1,385 more per student than we do. In order to get our schools back on the right trajectory, this budget must include:

  1. A serious plan to raise teacher pay to the national average.
  2. Restoration of textbook funding to pre-recession levels.
  3. Re-hiring the 7,000 teaching assistants that have been eliminated.
If this budget is serious about improving our schools, it must include these priorities and I urge you to vote against any budget that fails to address textbooks, teacher salaries and TAs. 

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    Right now NC is 46th nationally in per-pupil spending, and even South Carolina spends $1,385 more per student than we do. With the budget being released next week, lawmakers have a chance to fix this, but they need to get serious now.

    When Mercedes-Benz announced they were locating their auto plant in Georgia instead of North Carolina, the car maker cited the quality of Georgia's commitment to public schools. When car maker Volvo chose South Carolina over us, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley cited their community college system as a key factor. In North Carolina, we are starving our schools and losing jobs to other states.

    Sign on to our agenda and tell lawmakers that any budget they vote for must include these three key priorities to improve our schools.