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    Tell Your State Lawmakers: 

    There’s a new tax scheme being pushed by far-right politicians in Raleigh amounts to nothing more than a Millionaire Protection Act.

    It would lock-in historically low tax rates for millionaires and traps our schools in a permanent funding crisis. We’ll never get those 7,000 TAs back, or new textbooks that students can take home. And we’ll continue to rank as one of the worst places to be a teacher.

    Lawmakers are trying to sell this scheme as a way to keep taxes low for everyone. But we’ve seen how that works. They give millionaires and big corporations huge giveaways, and then make average folks pay more in sales taxes and other fees.

    It’s people like Ken, a senior citizen in Raleigh who has been hit hard by the right-wing tax scheme from politicians in Raleigh. He’s paying more in state taxes than he ever has before, but he’s not getting help from lawmakers. Millionaires are.

    We expect this bill to pass the Senate soon, so it’s critical to contact your lawmakers and urge them to vote no!